February 14th, ahhh, what other holiday wreaks havoc in the hearts of humans? Yes, Cupid’s Revenge. I have been on many sides of the fence, the optomistically romantic single, the married gal, the jaded and wounded divorcee, the married gal again. Overall, I resent February 14th as a day when unrealistic expectations and complicated emotional scenarios are stirring in the minds of single men and women everywhere. For many people (except those lucky people who don't let it get to them), it's stressful and self-destructive to your ego. Here's what the mental lowdown looks like on 2/14:
In scenario number 1, you can’t go out to dinner with the member of an opposite sex on that exact day because it MEANS something.
In scenario number 2, if you aren’t asked out by a member of the opposite sex it’s one lonely night at home and heck you ARE worthless.
In scenario 3, you’re hoping that someone you like asks you out, although you don’t want to admit being a romantic dork.
In scenario 4, when that person you like doesn’t ask you out, you optomistically realize they wouldn’t know quality if it was fused at the nuclear level to their brain.
In scenario 5, you just get avoid the day completely – do not listen to any TV or radio - the airwaves are wrought with diamond jewelry ads "for the one you love" and you settle in and read a magazine from last fall.
In scenario 6, you go to a party held by your friends or go out with a few buddies, safety in numbers. It's much more fun to celebrate friendship.
Protect yourself... pull your heart in nice and tight, wrap it up in foil and kryptonite, and just send out some nice emails and cards and hugs and blankets of non-committal love to your dear friends and family, married, single, or undecided, all whom you care about. It's about giving, isn't that right? It is nice to give, and it is nice to receive. Hang tough, peeps. Unless you get dumped on Valentine's Day (I did, thank you), it's just another Hallmark holiday.